Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sex Discrimination in Education

How are Women Discriminated Against in the Education System?

Women tend to be discriminated against more than men. They suffer all forms of discrimination such as stereotyping, sexual harassment, and steering. They tend to be lead to "female" oriented occupations which receive lower wages. The misconception that women are not interested in "nontraditional" courses was disproved in one case when a career day was provided to students. Female students enrolling in nontraditional courses rose thirty-two percent.

An important issue that surrounds the lack of female involvement in technical careers is America's current standing compared to the rest of the world as far as being caught up with technology. The lack of females in these careers is only contributing to our nation being behind the rest.

Another issue is within athletic programs. Females make up half the population of most universities, but only receive one third of the athletic scholarships that males do. This hinders female health, because it is proven that women who remain active are healthier, do better in school, and are less likely to try drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and become teen parents.
Sex Discrimination in Education

I personally feel that it is obvious that females are discriminated against within an education setting. Female sports are looked at by fellow students as a "joke" at least within my high school. And it was obvious that what female athletes received from sports teams did not compare to what male athletes received.

In some cases females do not only have to endure sexual advances from fellow students, but from teachers and people of authority. Being a women within the education system is no doubt harder than being a male, but I do not think fighting for equal rights means taking down male authority. Both sex's must work together in order to receive equal treatment within the education system.

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